Whooping Cough Is On The Rise. Mom and Actor Cheryl

Whooping Cough Is On The Rise. Mom and Actor Cheryl

Whooping Cough Is On The Rise. Mom and Actor Cheryl Hines: Keep Yourself And Your Family Healthy

Whooping cough has been popping up in communities across the country and it’s affecting people of all ages. If you haven’t heard about this serious infection yet, chances are you will. But protection against whooping cough is readily available for you and your family.

That is why popular film and TV actor Cheryl Hines has teamed up with the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases’ (NFID) Wipe Out the Whoop campaign. Together, they are encouraging all moms to make an appointment for themselves and their families to get the whooping cough booster vaccine.

“Work keeps me very busy, but family is my number one priority,” says Hines. “It’s important to take your baby to the doctor, but parents need to take care of themselves as well. Since whooping cough is such a problem, moms need to take the lead in getting family members vaccinated so the infection stays out of their homes and away from their babies.” Hines is a series regular on HBO’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and has appeared in numerous...



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